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Video Fast Forward

Activity 1: What is Time Lapse?

(10 minutes)

Time-lapse involves taking photos over a certain period of time and compressing them into a video of a much shorter amount of time. This makes it look like time is speeding up. For example, you can watch the sunrise over Atlanta in just one minute and 11 seconds. Pay special attention to the car lights at the bottom-left corner of the video. What do you notice? Why do you think the lights look this way?

One great use for time-lapses is observing what are normally very slow processes, like this amazing video of beans growing. And this one of the demolition of the old Yankee Stadium. What else do you think would be cool to capture on a time-lapse?

Activity 2: Time Lapse Apps

(10 minutes)

Download a free app; use Hyperlapse for Apple products or Microsoft Hyperlapse for Android products.


Open the app and start playing around with it and checking out the features. Try shooting a couple short practice videos of people moving around in the room you are in. You could try shooting the same video a couple different ways, for example by using different speeds.

Activity 3: What would look cool sped-up? 

(5-30 minutes)

What is something happening at your club right now that you could shoot for a time-lapse? Think both in terms of people and nature. When you know what you want to shoot, set up your phone or tablet and decide how long you want to capture footage. Usually the longer you shoot the more change and movement you see in the compressed video.


If your camera shakes, it will shake even faster in the Time Lapse, so consider setting up a stable place for it to sit.You could create a camera stand with books, cups, clips, or other materials to keep you camera / phone completely still while you film. 


Not sure what to film and fast forward? How about these ideas:

  • Kids playing sports

  • Leaves blowing in the wind

  • Food cooking

  • Some creating a drawing, painting, or other piece of art

Activity 4: Edit your Shots Together


After you are done shooting, play back the video and try making some edits. Do you want to speed it up? Slow it down? Add any effects, like music or audio or a title. 


Activity 5: Save and Submit

(20 minutes)

Email the digital media you created to or send it through instagram to @BGCAmediamaking 

What You'll Need: 

Create a Time Lapse Video
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