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Intro to Design 

Activity 1: What is Design? 

(10 minutes)

Design. It means, like, to create something, right? Like a work of art?


Think of as many jobs titles that include the word design. If you are working with a partner or in a group, set a timer for one minute and race to see who can write down the most. If you are working alone, race against the clock to see how quickly you can come up with eight ideas.


Steve Jobs said, “Design is not just what it looks and feels like. Design is how it works.” What do you think this means? Talk about it or write down your ideas.

Notes to Facilitator: Design is unique in that it is both ubiquitous and broad. Most people have a fuzzy idea of what the word really means. Here is a good overview of design that you may want to share with youth and/or read yourself.

Activity 2: What is good design? 

(15 minutes)

What differences do you notice between these two Wendy’s logos? Which do you think is better? Why?


Now read about general design principles. How do they apply to the Wendy’s logo?


Think, talk, and/or write about how the design principles apply, or not, to these things:

Activity 3: Website Design 

(10 minutes)

What is your favorite website? Why is it your favorite? It might be your favorite because of the  content and because what you do on the site is fun, like Animal Jam or Instagram, but what if you consider how the site looks and functions? Is it easy to use? Is the content well organized? Does the site work well for why you use it? Jot down a few examples of what you think are well and poorly designed websites.


Now check out this list of 10 web design principles. What did you read that makes you consider websites in a new way?

Activity 4: Sketch a Website

(10 minutes)

Imagine you are making a website for you club. Using what you know about design principles and effective web design, sketch a sample homepage for your site. You can include words, symbols, shapes, and colors. As you work, keep in mind this quote from Leonardo Da Vinci: “Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication.”

Activity 5: Submit your work! 

(5 minutes)

Snap a photo of your sketch and email it to

What You'll Need: 

Check out the design principles that guide the creation of your favorite products
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