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Photo Scavenger Hunt

Activity 1: Brush up on Techniques

(10 minutes)

Prep yourself before the hunt by refreshing your memory on the elements of photography. If you want some reminders, click through these PowerPoints:

Activity 2: Organize the Competition

(10 minutes)

This module works best if you can gather two or more teams. The teams compete against each other, and the team who takes and/or edits all the photos in the list and returns to the spot you agree upon. You might ask a staff person to keep track of time for you or be the "judge" as to who wins. 

Activity 3: Ready, Set, Go! 

(20 minutes)

Choose list A, list B, or A+B for your competition. 

List A: Take and/or edit the following photos:

  • Take a photo of the same subject with and without the flash

  • Take an overexposed photo

  • Take three photos showing different patterns

  • Take a photo using the rule of thirds

  • Edit a photo so it is in black and white

  • Take a photo in which your subject fills the frame of the photo

  • Take a photo of something from far away, then crop it so the most interesting part fills the frame

  • Take a photo that leads the eye to the subject

  • Take a candid portrait of someone

  • Edit a photo of yourself so you are unrecognizable

  • Take a photo that shows texture

List B: Take a photo of:

  • Two or more friends competing against each other
  • An animal -- not a human animal :)
  • Something delicious
  • Something that makes you smile
  • A miniature version of something
  • A cloud shaped like something else
  • As many people as you can fit in one selfie
  • Something that was broken and has been repaired
  • Something that is used for transportation
  • Two things that usually don’t go together
  • Technology in your club
  • Somebody laughing really hard

Activity 4: Which Photos are your Favorites? 

(15 minutes)

Look through the photos you took. Which do you like best? Why? Which element of photography are you most likely to incorporate into your photography? Choose a few photos to share.

Activity 5: Submit your work! 

(5 minutes)

Want to earn a few digital badges in photography? Email the digital media you created to or send it through instagram to @BGCAmediamaking 

Still Interested? Take a look at these resources: 

Article: 14 Composition Techniques that Will Instantly Improve Your Photos

What You'll Need: 



Race to be the first to take or edit all the photos
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