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Portrait Perfect

Activity 1: What is a portrait? 

(5 minutes)

Look at these portraits by BCGA members from around the world. Do you think a portrait is different from “just” a photo of someone? Talk about or journal your ideas. Now watch this video. Focus on what a portrait is and elements to consider when taking one.

Activity 2: What elements make portraits unique? 

(15 minutes)

Take a look at this photo. What do you notice about the photo’s composition? Which element do you think specifically adds to the portrait? What do you know (or can you guess) about the woman in the photo? Check out this PowerPoint about things to consider when taking portraits. Think about the photo you just looked at and consider ideas for future portraits.

Activity 3: Practice Portraiture

(20 minutes)

Ask someone if you can take their portrait. Consider the questions posed in the PowerPoint. How can you make your subject comfortable and tell the viewer something about him or her? What will make your portrait unique? Think before you start shooting and give several options a try. You might even suggest your subject use a prop, like something meaningful to them from his or her school bag. What captures the character of your subject? Try talking to your subject before you immediately start snapping. Give candids a try. You never know what aspect of his or her personality will shine through.

Activity 4: What feedback are you getting? 

(10 minutes)

Look through your photos and choose one to share with a group, or let the person you took a portrait of choose. Ask what people think the portrait says about the subject. Be open to suggestions and ideas. How could these tips help you during future portrait sessions?

Edit your photo with a photo editing app. Play around with the lighting, the exposure, the contrast, and any other features you want to adjust. If you want, you could also add a filter to the portrait. 

If you're using a smart phone, download a free photo editing app from the list below.

If you are using a computer instead of a smart phone, try editing photos through one of these websites:

Activity 5: Submit your work! 

(5 minutes)

Want to earn a few digital badges in photography? Email the digital media you created to or send it through instagram to @BGCAmediamaking 

Still Interested? Take a look at these resources: 

Blog post: 10 Ways to Take Stunning Portraits

Article: Let’s Talk: Portraits vs Snapshots

Video: Natural Light Portraiture

What You'll Need: 



Take Pictures that Show Personality
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