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3D design

Activity 1: Dream up an Idea

(10 minutes)


For your first 3D model of your own creation, choose one of these options:

  • Create a model of something you are learning about in math or science, for example, a model of a cell, a rhombus, or the life cycle of a butterfly. How can you make a model of a science or math concept?

  • Grab a ruler or tape measurer and design something that fits you perfectly, like a ring or bracelet.

  • Sketch out your ideas. Try several and think about which you think would be best represented in 3D. Also consider which would be easiest to make in Tinkercad, which relies a lot on geometric shapes.

Activity 2:Adding a Dimension

(30 minutes)

Sometimes it can be helpful to sketch out your idea on paper before designing in CAD. As you’re drawing, keep in mind that simple geometric shapes will be easier to create in Tinkercad and that designs which are too delicate might break once you print them.


When you’re ready, use your sketch to create a 3D model of your design in Tinkercad. Go to If you don’t have a Tinkercad account of your own, encourage your club staff member to create a few accounts for the group, or you can use this one:



  1. Click “Create a New Design”

  2. In the upper left hand corner, you’ll see a fake name for your design. To change the name, click “Design” and then choose “Properties.” Now you can type in a different name for your project, and then click “Save.” Remember not to use your real name, but it’s okay to use a username (like AwesomeDinosaur123)

  3. Where should you start? You have a few options. You could either design your project from scratch by dragging shapes into the workspace OR you could start from an STL file created by someone else. If you’re having a hard time starting from scratch, here’s how to start with someone else’s design:

    1. Go to

    2. Search for the thing you want to start with

    3. Click on “Thing Files” and then Download the STL file

    4. In Tinkercad, in the top right hand corner section, click on “Import” then “file” and then upload the STL file you just downloaded. Wait a few seconds for the image to appear in your workspace.

    5. Now, you can add to the design you imported. For example, this puppy was downloaded from, but the rain boots and sunglasses were added in tinkercad.

Activity 3: Keep Designing 

(20 minutes)


As you design your project, there are a couple of tools and skills you should try to incorporate.

  • Drag two or more shapes together and then “Group” them together.

  • Drag together a solid shape and a hole and “Group” them to change the shape.

  • Does any part of your design repeat itself? Press Ctrl + D to “Duplicate” a design.

What You'll Need: 

Use CAD to make a model of a 3D Creation

Activity 4: Ask for Feedback 

(15 minutes)

When you like the way your design looks, grab a friend and ask for feedback! You might ask you friend what they like, what they think you could change, and whether your design looks like all the pieces are connected (which is very important if you’re going to print your design).


If you get stuck, ask for help or search the internet for answers to your questions.

Try doing these modules in order: 

From 2D to 3D > Tinkercad 101 > 3D Design > Press Print > Design Challenge

Activity 4: Submit and Share!

(5 minutes)

Before you save your design as an STL file (if you want to print it later), take a photo or video of what you designed on your screen. Upload your photo or video to earn a star!

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