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Tell a Photo Story 

Activity 1: What is a photo essay?

(10 minutes)

Check out this photo essay on streetball in NYC. What do you think makes a photo essay interesting? How would you describe a photo essay? How is it different from the essays you write in school?

Photo essays are often made by photojournalists. How do they use photos to help tell a story? Listen to one photojournalist explain his process for creating photo essays.

Activity 2: Think of a Topic

(10 minutes)

What would you like to create a photo essay of? What could be your theme, like a unifying emotion evoked by the photos? How do you think you could take a photo that shows triumph or  determination or family? Brainstorm a few ideas (for help, look at this list.) Is there a story you could tell about your club, school, community, or family? What’s important to you? What’s something that is unfolding right now? Check out these five photo essay tips from the Digital Photography School.

Activity 3: What's the Story? 

(15 minutes)

Ok, now that you have your topic, how will you tell the story? First, do some background research on the topic by talking people. Then you can also try to do some research on the internet. Write down questions and ideas as you research.

Now think of some shots you would like to get to help tell the story. You could even sketch them out storyboard-style.

Activity 4: Take your Photos

(10-20 minutes)

Start shooting your story. Follow your plan but be open to the experience; something unexpected might happen. Try to get action shots as well as shots that elicit emotion. While you are taking photos, write down things you learn and keep talking to people. You can use this information when you write the text to accompany the photos.

Activity 5: Edit and Write

(Time will vary)

After you shoot, review your photos. Start to narrow down your photos based on which tell the story best. Also consider which have the most compelling photo composition. Aim to tell the story with 7 to 10 photos.


Next, start writing. You can add text as photo captions or write a complete essay to accompany the photos. Go beyond lackluster descriptions—learn more about writing captivating captions here.

Explore options for presenting your work. Do you want to have a digital presentation or a print one? Create your final photo essay in a way that appeals to you visually.

Still Interested? Take a look at these resources: 

Video: Creating a Photo Essay with Jonathan Mannion

What You'll Need: 



Create a Photo Essay

Activity 6: Submit your work

(10-20 minutes)

Want to earn a few digital badges in photography? Email the digital media you created to or send it through instagram to @BGCAmediamaking 

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