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Light Painting

Activity 1: What is light painting?

(10 minutes)

How do you think the photographer captured this image? It wasn’t edited! The subject used a light to “paint” the swirls while the photographer took the picture. The photo never would have come out like this if the photographer used his or her camera’s auto mode. How do you think he or she adjusted the camera settings? (If you need a refresher on ISO, aperture, and shutter speed, watch this video or click through this PowerPoint.) Share your ideas with someone else, or write them down.

Activity 2: How do you light paint? 

(10 minutes)

Check your ideas on the camera settings for light photography by watching this video. Did you get any ideas for how you want to use lights in your photography? Read through a couple tutorials from See anything that inspires you?

Activity 3: Get Ready

(Time will vary)

According to the three essentials for this type of photography are a camera, tripod, and light source. Why do you think a tripod is important? If you don’t have a tripod, you can shoot by setting your camera on a flat, stable surface or make your own tripod. This video has three ideas for making tripods from everyday items. You can search YouTube for other ideas.

As much as possible, darken the room where you are going to shoot. Have your light “paintbrush” handy. You can use a flashlight with a strong beam or even the flashlight function on a smartphone.

Activity 4: Give it a try!

(25 minutes)

Remember to adjust your camera settings and starting experimenting with light painting. You will probably find yourself taking a lot of shots. A unique aspect of light painting photography is that you don’t know what your photo will look like until after because it all depends on how the camera captured the light. Keep checking your photos and trying new things!

Share your favorite photo or series of photos. What are people’s reactions? How do they interpret your art? After seeing others’ photos, do you have ideas for next time you light paint?

Activity 5: Submit your work! 

(5 minutes)

Want to earn a few digital badges in photography? Email the digital media you created to or send it through instagram to @BGCAmediamaking 

Still Interested? Take a look at these resources: 

Article: 4 Steps to Mastering Creative Night Photography

List: Light Painting Photography Terms and Definitions

What You'll Need: 

Take night photography to the next level
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