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Changing Camera Settings

Activity 1: What are Camera Settings? 

(10 minutes)

For this module, you'll need a real camera (not a camera phone).

Do you dare leave your camera’s trusty auto mode? Auto mode automatically determines your camera’s settings. Generally it gives us good photos, so why mess with it, right? While if you want greater creative control over your photos, it’s time to explore the ISO, aperture, and shutter speed. (Don’t be intimidated by the fancy names!) You’ll learn what each setting controls and how to adjust it. Watch this video for an overview.

Activity 2: What do your camera settings do? 

(20 minutes)

Take a moment to talk about or jot down what you remember from the video about ISO, aperture, and shutter speed. Now open this PowerPoint and read through it for example and more in-depth explanations.

Still have questions about these settings? Check out these guides from the Digital Photography School: ISO, aperture, shutter speed, and exposure. Or, if you prefer, watch this video to see a demonstration of adjusted settings.

Activity 3: What about your camera? 

(15 minutes)

Every camera is different. Turns yours on and start playing around with adjusting the settings. If you want help, refer the camera’s instruction manual. If you don’t have the manual handy, trying searching online for the information you need, using your camera’s make and model. There are likely YouTube videos explaining how to use your camera. However you figure it out, get comfortable adjusting the ISO, aperture, and shutter speed.

Activity 4: Take Some Photos

(25 minutes)

Choose something to shoot and try taking several shots, adjusting the settings each time. Now adjust the lighting, maybe by turning off some or all of the lights, or pulling down window shades. Take a few more shots, adjusting the settings as you go. After you have taken several, review the images. What changes do you notice in each?


Can you capture a clear shot of a moving object or person? Try taking a picture of a moving fan, yo-yo, or people waving or playing sports. Experiment with taking shots using different settings. Which setting do you like best? Do you prefer clear shots or slightly blurry ones?

Now set up or find a scene that has some things closer to you and others farther away and try taking photos in which the background is varying levels of blurry, like this one.

Activity 5: Submit your work! 

(5 minutes)

Want to earn a few digital badges in photography? Email the digital media you created to or send it through instagram to @BGCAmediamaking 

What You'll Need: 


Adjust ISO, aperture, and shutter speed
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