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Staff Resources: 
How do I use the Media Making Website? 
Modules + Facilitator Notes: 


Basic: BYOD policy + mobile device with camera, use free browser based programs for photo editing

Advanced: digital camera, Adobe Photoshop 



Basic: BYOD policy + mobile device with recording capability, use free browser based programs for audio editing

Advanced: digital microphone, Download a free version of Audacity to all computers


Basic: BYOD policy + mobile device with camera, use free browser based programs for video editing

Advanced: digital video camers, tripod, load iMovie or Movie Maker onto all computers

Web Design

Basic: Many of the modules could be run with paper and pens and one computer connected to a projector

Advanced: computer with internet access for each individual or group of members

What do I need to run this program?
Forms and Templates: 
Is there an app for this? 
Making Media Making More Mobile
Arts Festivals: 
Pilot Surveys:
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