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How Do You...

Activity 1: How-To Videos

(10 minutes)

Is there something you’ve always wanted to learn, like maybe how to juggle or how to make ice cream. See if you can find a how-to video on your long-held interest. Tell someone about what you learned, or journal about it. Watch another video, like this cooking one or this dancing one, and this time take note of the features of the video, like how it presents the information and what style of shots it uses.

Activity 2: What can YOU do?

(30 minutes)

What is something you know how to do well and like doing? Jot down a few ideas. To help you choose the subject for your how-to video, think about what would look cool on film and what would be best suited to teach in a step-by-step way. If you’re not sure what you could make a how-to video about, you could also ask someone else what they would be interested in learning. 

Here's another option: if you've created digital media and want to create a video showing others how you edited a video, produced a song, or anything else, you could submit your video and maybe have it featured in the Media Making modules to help other Club kids learn what you know. 


Ready? Here’s what to do next:

  • Write out the steps for the thing you are teaching

  • Gather any props you need

  • Try a practice run with a friend and ask if your explanation made sense

  • Set up a camera on a tripod or stable surface and consider asking a friend to film the video for you. Tell your friend when to zoom in, when to turn the camera on and off, and any other details.

Activity 3: Start Filming

(20 minutes)

Put your plan into action. Remember to film and playback a short sound check before you film the whole video. Then, go for it!


If you film half of it, and then make a mistake, what are you options? The whole video doesn’t have to be one continuous shot. You could film each step separately, and then piece it together in a video editing program.  

If you want to make a how-to of something you do on a computer, you will have to capture a video of your screen. If you are on a Mac, you can use QuickTime. Here is a tutorial for it. If you are on a PC, download Movavi and after check out the how-to section of the website.

Activity 4: Edit your Shots Together

(30 minutes) 

Upload all the footage from your camera to a computer. If you are using a Mac, open iMovie. If you are using a PC with Windows open Movie Maker. Edit your footage. You could try adding text, shortening some parts, and stitching together different takes. If you want, look up tutorials online for how to do specific things.


Activity 5: Ask for Feedback, Iterate, and Submit!

(20 minutes)

Play your how-to video for an audience. After watching it, ask them what they learned. Do they think they would now be able to do thing you taught them through the video? If someone in the audience already knew how to do it, is there something they suggest adding to the video?

To share your video online, you could upload it to Vimeo with the following information:

Email the digital media you created to or send it through instagram to @BGCAmediamaking 

Still Interested? Take a look at these resources: 


Article: How to Make a Tutorial Video

Blog: Sent from my iPhone

Video: How to make a how to video

What You'll Need: 


Show what you know in a How-To Video


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