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Design your Homepage

Activity 1: Prepare

(5 minutes)

Before you start building your website, have you gone through these steps?

  1. Design Thinking

  2. Brainstorming

  3. Wireframing

If so, take a moment to collect your ideas, your persona, your wireframes, and any other notes you’ve written down about the website you’re going to design.

Activity 2: Create an Account

(10 minutes)

One easy way to build your first webpage (for free) is If you’d like to use your own email address to create an account, you can do so here: Sign Up


If you’d rather use an existing account, go to this page: and login with this information:


Password: mediamaking

Activity 3: Title and Homepage

(20 minutes)

Choose a free template for your website and click “edit.” It’s time to choose a Title for your website.

  • Before you make any changes, click “Save”

  • In the “Get a Free domain” box, change the text that says “mysite” to the Title of your site.

  • Click “Save and Continue” and remember to click Save every few minutes while you’re designing your site. You don’t want to lose anything!


The first page you get to edit is your homepage. You have a lot of options:

  • Change the background

  • Add text, images, slideshows, buttons, videos, music, and more

  • Upload images, videos, or audio tracks you have created in Media Making or elsewhere that you want to use on your site.

  • Create a blog to include as part of your site.

If you started from a template, you can also build your site by clicking on the things you want to change and then using the buttons that pop up.


Activity 4: Just Keep Building 

(as long as you want)

Now that you have as homepage, you can add whatever else you want. In the top left hand corner, click on the Pages button and then select “Add Page” to add an additional page (or two or three) to your site.


Try adding buttons to connect your pages to each other or to link to external websites.


To test out what you’ve built, click save and then “Preview.” It might be smart to show your website to a friend or two and ask what they think, what they have questions about, and how they would suggest that you improve or add to your site.

Do you want people to be able to use your website on their phones? If you click the phone from the toolbar at the top of the page, you can switch to editing the mobile version of your site. You’ll probably need to move some things around until it looks right.

What You'll Need: 

Design and Publish a Website

Activity 5: Publish and Submit 

(15 minutes)

When you’re ready to share your site, click “publish”

A pop-up will congratulate you and will tell you your URL(The URL starts with http://)

Copy and paste the url into an email, and email the url to

Don’t forget to finish the publishing process!

Publishing does not mean that you can’t keep editing and adding onto your site. You can always come back and add more.

Try doing these modules in order: 

Design Thinking > Brainstorming > WireFraming > Design a Webpage

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