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Join the StoryCorps

Activity 1: Everyone has a Story. 

(5 minutes)


Does your family ever sit around and tell stories? Do you know what your older family members were like when they were your age? Do you know how they felt about their first jobs, their romantic relationships, or the times they grew up in? Do your friends have experiences they want to share? Who do you want to learn more about, but you haven’t had the chance to ask them questions in your head?


StoryCorps is a radio show in which two people who care about each other sit down together. One person asks questions, and the other person answers the questions by telling stories. It’s a very simple concept, but often leads to beautiful shared experiences. You can be part of the StoryCorps movement by recording an interview with the StoryCorps app.

Activity 2: Download NPR's StoryCorps app

(10 minutes)


To join the community of interviewers and storytellers and record your own interview, visit the website or open Google Play or the App Store, type in “StoryCorps” and download the app.


Create an account or login using this pilot account:




Read the “How it Works” section and the “Helpful Hints” and start to plan out who you will interview, where you will interview this person, and what questions you will ask.

Activity 3: Prepare for your Interview 

(20 minutes)


Who do you want to interview? You might choose a family member, caring adult, friend, or neighbor. Ask this person if he or she would be willing to let you interview them. If you want to interview someone under the age of 18, you should also ask his or her parents if it’s okay for you to interview them and record the interview.


  1. Select “My Interviews” in the app.

  2. To set up a new interview, tap the “+” sign.

  3. Give your interview a Title (this will be how you find your interview later, so don’t skip this step!)

  4. Click “What questions will you ask” and read through the list of questions. Select your favorites by tapping “+” next to the questions you want to ask. If you want to write your own questions, add those to your list as well. 

  5. Add the first name of the person you will interview. It’s okay if you use a nickname.

Activity 4: Record your Interview 

(30 minutes)

  1. Find the person you want to interview and sit in a quiet space.

  2. Login to the app using the same username and password you used before.

  3. Go to “My Interviews” in the App.

  4. Find the Interview you prepared by looking for the Title you wrote.

  5. When you’re ready, press “Record”

  6. If you’re asked to let “StoryCorps” access the microphone, click “OK”

  7. Click “Record” You’ll know that you’re recording when you see a “Pause” Button and a “Done” button.

  8. The questions you prepared will be in the app. After you’ve asked a question, tap the checkmark, and your next question will show up.

  9. When you’ve asked all of your questions, click “Done”

  10. Check to make sure your title is correct and add a quick summary of the interview. When everything looks right, click “Save.”

  11. When your screen asks you to either “Publish Interview” or “Save to Device,” choose “Save to Device.”


If you’d like to Publish your Interview, you need to ask your parent or guardian for permission first. You also need to make sure that anyone who spoke during your interview is okay with you Publishing the interview online. It’s always important to ask people’s permission before you share a story they have told you.

Still Interested? Take a look at these resources: 


To listen to other StoryCorps interviews, click “Browse” and choose stories that interest you.

Video: Watch Dave Isay, the founder of StoryCorps, give a TED Talk 

What You'll Need: 

Everyone has a story to tell. Find and record it. 

Activity 5: Save and Submit

(5 minutes)


If you Saved Your Interview:

Email the Title and Summary of your StoryCorps Interview.

If you Published Your Interview:

Click “Share” on your Interview. Email the link to your published interview. 

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