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The Secret of Great Photos

Activity 1: What is your favorite photo? 

(10 minutes)

Click through a couple of these photos or these photo galleries. Do some of the photos catch your eye? Why? Choose a favorite photo based on how the whole photo looks, not just what the subject is. Explain to someone else, or write down, why you like that photo.

Activity 2: What is composition?

(15 minutes)

Read through this PowerPoint to learn about the elements of composition and see photo examples. Are there aspects of photos that you had never considered before?


If you prefer, watch this video; it expands on the ideas in the PowerPoint. Which composition tip do you think is coolest?

Activity 3: Compose your own photos. 

(20 minutes)

Grab your camera and start snapping shots using the composition techniques you learned about.


Remember, the techniques are:

  • use the rule of thirds 

  • lead your viewer’s eyes

  • fill the frame


You could focus on one technique, like filling the frame, and take several pictures of different subjects. Or you could take one or two photos using each of the different composition styles. Experiment with different ways to take the same photograph or try taking pictures of different people, places, and things.

Activity 4: Ask your friends for feedback

(15 minutes)

Look through your photos and choose a few you’d like to share. Show them to the group and ask people to guess which composition technique you used. Then explain what you did and why. Ask for feedback and encourage questions and comments. Maybe someone else’s perspective will give you an idea for a future photo.

Activity 5: Submit your work! 

(5 minutes)

Want to earn a few digital badges in photography? Email the digital media you created to or send it through instagram to @BGCAmediamaking 

Still Interested? Take a look at these resources: 

Photo Gallery: Beautiful Photos: Composition

Video: 9 Photo Composition Tips (feat. Steve McCurry)

What You'll Need: 


Explore techniques for photo composition

Look back at your favorite photo. Which composition technique(s) did the photographer use? What about the technique helps make it a great photo? Share your ideas.

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