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User Experience

Activity 1: Flow

(10 minutes)

Have you ever been so focused on something that you didn’t even realize time was passing? What were you doing? What type of activity fully engages you? What are activity are you fully motivated to be completely involved in just for the sake of being completely involved? A psychologist named Csikszentmihalyi calls that state of happy concentration, “Flow.” Some people experience flow when they are creating art, playing a sport, solving a problem, or listening to a story. You may hear flow described as being “in the zone” or “in the groove.”


Grab a friend or a journal and talk or write about a time when you were in a flow state. What were you doing? How did you feel?

Activity 2: Designing Experiences

(10 minutes)

We’re any of the flow experiences that came up intentionally designed to be that way? For example, if you’ve ever “lost yourself” or experienced flow while playing a game, then you were playing a really well designed game!


Often, experiences designed for flow have these qualities:

  • A clear goal with the ability to make progress toward that goal

  • Balance between the task’s challenges and the person’s skills

  • Clear and immediate feedback (you don’t have to wait to find out how you’re doing)


What do you think of these two descriptions of design?


“Good design is actually a lot harder to notice than poor design, in part because good designs fit our needs to well that the design is invisible” Don Norman, The Design of Everyday Things

The cover of Norman's book shows a great picture of poor design.


“Most people make the mistake of thinking design is what it looks's not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” Steve Jobs


With that in mind, brainstorm a list of the websites, apps, social media tools, and other digital experiences you’re familiar with. Which ones are designed to be very easy and fun to use? Which ones include frustrating designs that are not easy or fun to use?

Activity 3: Techniques for Designing a Good UX

(20 minutes)

Let’s get more concrete. If you’ve already imagined, wireframed, or started designing a website, now is your chance to adjust your design in order to improve the user experience. If you haven’t brainstormed, wireframed, or started building yet, consider jotting down some ideas for how you can create the best possible user experience on your website.


The slide deck linked here will walk you through User Experience (UX) techniques.


Consider adjusting your design to fit the advice in the User Experience slides.

Activity 4: Know (or Imagine) Your User

(as long as you want)


One tried and true practice designers use is the creation of a Persona. A Persona is a detailed description of an imaginary person who (if he or she were real) would use the website or product they are creating.


Check out this Persona that a web designer created:

What You'll Need: 

Design for the people that matter: your users

Activity 5: Publish and Submit 

(15 minutes)


To work toward a web design badge, send your persona and any details you want to include about the persona to

Try doing these modules in order: 

Design Thinking > Brainstorming > WireFraming > Design a Webpage > User Experience 

“Melissa” was a persona created for one designer’s website.


Now think about the website you are designing. Imagine a person who would benefit from your website. Draw that person or do a google image search for a photo of a person who fits your imagination. Then, try to answer these questions about your imaginary user:

  • What is the person’s name?

  • How old is he or she?

  • What does your person do all day?

  • What does your person like to do for fun?

  • What motivates your person? (Do they care about grades, family, earning money, etc.)

  • What other websites does your person look at?

  • Why does your person use your website? What do they need it for?

  • How much time does your person spend on your website?

  • Do they access your website on a computer, tablet, or phone?

  • How would your person describe your website to a friend?

  • How can you make using your website a good experience for this user?


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